Training: Docker for Web Applications

Docker is a container runtime that allows you to run your applications in isolated environments called containers. Containers are lightweight, fast, and portable. They are a great way to package your applications and their dependencies, and run them consistently in different environments (development, testing, production, etc.).

In this introductory training, you will learn how to build, run, and publish your own Docker images. You will also learn how to use Docker Compose to compose applications from multiple Docker containers.

  • Docker logo

Target audience

This training is intended for developers who want to get started with Docker to run web application containers in development and/or in production.


Attendees should have prior experience with networking concepts and the command line. Some experience with Linux is recommended.

Learning objectives

After completing this training, you:

  • Can pull, start, and stop Docker containers
  • Can write your own Dockerfiles and build images from them, following best practices
  • Can use Docker Compose to compose applications from multiple Docker containers

Required software

Please bring a laptop with your preferred IDE and the following pre-installed software:

  • Duration: 1 day
  • Level: beginner
  • Price: € 540 excl. VAT
  • Amersfoort
  • 3 - 12 participants
  • Available in-company
  • Available in English or Dutch
The training Docker for Web Applications is given by an experienced trainer

About the trainer

Besides a strong technical background in software engineering and experience with Docker, I have over 8 years of experience in teaching, training and coaching. In my workshops I combine theory with practical exercises, to increase the hands-on experience of attendees.

  • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer badge


This training consists of the following modules:

Introduction to Docker

  • What is a container?
  • What is Docker?
  • Docker vs. virtual machines
  • Docker vs. Kubernetes
  • Docker components
  • Installing Docker

Running containers

  • Starting containers
  • Publishing ports
  • Checking container logs
  • Mounting volumes
  • Environment variables
  • Stopping containers
  • Removing containers

Building your own images

  • Writing Dockerfiles
  • The build context
  • .dockerignore
  • Building images
  • Tagging images

Build optimization

  • Image layers
  • Layer caching
  • Reducing image size
  • Using Alpine images
  • Multi-stage builds

Publishing images

  • Image registries
  • Docker Hub
  • Authentication
  • Pushing your image
  • Pulling your image

Docker Compose

  • What is Docker Compose?
  • Writing a Compose file
  • Starting applications
  • Networking

In-company training

Do you want to train your entire team in Docker? This training can also be given in-company, in English or in Dutch. To adapt the training to match the tools and technologies used at your company, the training can be extended with optional modules:

PHP in Docker

  • PHP base images
  • Apache
  • Nginx + PHP-FPM
  • Installing PHP extensions
  • Composer dependencies
  • Opcache
  • Xdebug

Please get in touch to discuss the possibilities to further customize the training to your needs.

Why follow one of my trainings?


Classroom training

€ 540 /person

  • 1-day training
  • Open for individual participation
  • In Amersfoort
  • Coffee and lunch included
  • Starting from 3 participants
Find a session


upon request

  • Online or in your office
  • In English or Dutch
  • Up to 12 participants
  • Can be customized to your needs
Request a quote

All prices are excluding 21% BTW (VAT).

Get in touch

Do you have any questions about the "Docker for Web Applications" training?

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