Training: Get Started with Kubernetes

Kubernetes (sometimes abbreviated to K8s) is an open-source system for automating the management, deployment and scaling of containerized applications.

In this training you will learn how to deploy your application containers to a Kubernetes cluster using pods, deployments, services, and more.

  • Kubernetes logo

Target audience

This training is intended for developers who have some experience with containers (for instance with Docker) and want to learn how to deploy their applications to production in a scalable and robust way using Kubernetes.


Attendees should have prior experience with building and running containerized applications, for example using Docker, and should have basic networking knowledge.

Learning objectives

After completing this training, you:

  • Can run containers in a Kubernetes cluster using Pods and Deployments
  • Can expose containers to your cluster and the internet using Services and Ingresses
  • Can scale your deployments up and down based on load
  • Can run one-time or recurring tasks using Jobs and CronJobs

Required software

Please bring a laptop with your preferred IDE and the following pre-installed software:

  • Duration: 1 day
  • Level: beginner
  • Price: € 540 excl. VAT
  • Amersfoort
  • 3 - 12 participants
  • Available in-company
  • Available in English or Dutch
The training Get Started with Kubernetes is given by an experienced trainer

About the trainer

Besides a strong technical background in software engineering and experience with Kubernetes, I have over 8 years of experience in teaching, training and coaching. In my workshops I combine theory with practical exercises, to increase the hands-on experience of attendees.

  • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer badge


This training consists of the following modules:

Introduction to Kubernetes

  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Docker recap
  • Kubernetes vs. Docker
  • Kubernetes architecture
  • kubectl

Running containers

  • Connecting to a cluster
  • Creating Pods
  • Namespaces
  • Declarative configuration
  • Pulling private images
  • Updating Pods

Exposing Pods

  • Services
  • Service types
  • Labels & selectors
  • Ingresses
  • Ingress controller

Deploying applications

  • Creating Deployments
  • Rolling updates
  • Rollbacks
  • Scaling
  • Liveness & readiness probes

Application configuration

  • Environment variables
  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets

Running tasks

  • Jobs
  • CronJobs

Resource management

  • Resource requests
  • Resource limits
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

In-company training

Do you want to train your entire team in Kubernetes? This training can also be given in-company, in English or in Dutch. To adapt the training to match the tools and technologies used at your company, the training can be extended with optional modules:

Stateful workloads

  • What are stateful workloads?
  • Storage volumes
  • StatefulSets


  • What is Helm?
  • Installing Helm
  • Using Helm
  • Writing Helm charts

Symfony in Kubernetes

  • Statelessness
  • Health checks
  • Environment variables
  • Database migrations

Please get in touch to discuss the possibilities to further customize the training to your needs.

Why follow one of my trainings?


Classroom training

€ 540 /person

  • 1-day training
  • Open for individual participation
  • In Amersfoort
  • Coffee and lunch included
  • Starting from 3 participants
Find a session


upon request

  • Online or in your office
  • In English or Dutch
  • Up to 12 participants
  • Can be customized to your needs
Request a quote

All prices are excluding 21% BTW (VAT).

Get in touch

Do you have any questions about the "Get Started with Kubernetes" training?

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