Software Development & DevOps Cheat Sheets

Over the years, I have created various cheat sheets for the tools related to software development, PHP, Docker, Kubernetes, and DevOps that I frequently use. I have published them here hoping that they are useful to others as well. Feel free to download them, print them, and share them with others.

I am still working on adding a few more cheat sheets to this collection, so make sure to check back later for updates.

PHP Cheat Sheets

PHP Cheat Sheet

PHP Cheat Sheet

Basic syntax, control structures, types, built-in functions, object-oriented features, operators, and more for PHP.

Symfony Cheat Sheet

Symfony Cheat Sheet

Console commands, form types, validation constraints, Twig functions, attributes, Symfony Flex, CLI usage, and more.

Composer Cheat Sheet

Composer Cheat Sheet

Dependency management reference for Composer with CLI commands, configuration, and version constraints.

PHIVE Cheat Sheet

PHIVE Cheat Sheet

Command reference for PHIVE (PHAR Installation and Verification Environment).

Docker & Kubernetes Cheat Sheets

Docker Cheat Sheet

Docker Cheat Sheet

Reference sheet for Docker with CLI and Compose commands, Dockerfile reference, best practices and more.

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Command line reference for the kubectl CLI tool, listing commonly used commands and options.

Helm Cheat Sheet

Helm Cheat Sheet

Command line reference for Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes applications.

Infrastructure & Cloud Cheat Sheets

Terraform Cheat Sheet

Terraform Cheat Sheet

Reference sheet for Terraform listing common CLI commands and basic configuration syntax.

Linux Cheat Sheet

Linux Cheat Sheet

Linux reference with commands, file permissions, IO redirection, Bash shortcurts, directory structure, etc.

AWS Cheat Sheet

AWS Cheat Sheet

Command line reference for the aws CLI tool, with commands for IAM, EC2, EKS, RDS, S3, and more.

DigitalOcean Cheat Sheet

DigitalOcean Cheat Sheet

Reference sheet for DigitalOcean with doctl commands, resource types, Kubernetes authentication, and more.

DevOps Cheat Sheets

Git Cheat Sheet

Git Cheat Sheet

Git workflow, CLI commands, and guidelines for writing good commit messages.

HTTP Cheat Sheet

HTTP Cheat Sheet

Reference sheet with HTTP syntax, methods, headers, and status codes.

GnuPG Cheat Sheet

GnuPG Cheat Sheet

Command line reference for GnuPG (GPG), including key management, encryption, signing, and more.

Security Testing Cheat Sheets

nmap Cheat Sheet

nmap Cheat Sheet

Command line reference for nmap, a network scanning tool, with various host discovery and port scanning options.

Hydra Cheat Sheet

Hydra Cheat Sheet

Target specification, common services, and wordlists for Hydra, a brute force login cracker.

sqlmap Cheat Sheet

sqlmap Cheat Sheet

Command line reference and injection techniques for sqlmap, an automatic SQL injection tool.

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